WWETT Show 2022
Well, the start of a new year, bring us some new challenges, and expectations. We are looking forward to meeting our customers’ needs and sharing our experiences.
It looks as if the WWETT Show will happen this year in Indianapolis on Feb 22-24th, and we at NozzTeq® are excited to meet with our old customers and to make some new customers in the process. Over the past decades the NozzTeq® line has been in the forefront of technology in developing the finest long-lasting equipment. But we are not just an equipment manufacture of sewer cleaning equipment, we are also innovators, and mostly importantly trainers. We are always willing to share our experiences within the industry and to provide the highest quality training that our customers have come to expect.
This year at the WWETT show we will be bringing out that innovation with the showcasing of several different nozzles some of which are a redesign of nozzles from the past and some with completely innovative designs. One will be a major game changer for the industry. The newer designs will show the technology on the effect cleaning, and how we can reduce the use of our resources, i.e., water, fuel, and labor costs.
As we said early, we are excited to see some old friends and to make some new friends, come see us the WWETT show, we are in Booth 2159. We look forward to seeing you there!
Some new and exciting products we are displaying at this year’s WWETT will be:
FIR® POINTED sewer cleaning nozzle is designed for economical and efficient opening of clogged pipes. With its soft shape and with a possibility of up to (4) jets directed forward, the FIR® POINTED nozzle is a very efficient tool for ice-plugs, grease blockages and other obstacles in pipe. With thrusting jets in a two-level construction, the nozzle is effectively working its way through a jam. When the front of the FIR® POINTED has worked its way into the blockage the thrusting jets stepwise works its way through, removing and thrusting the material backwards. It works basically the same way a step drill works. Due to the length and weight the FIR® POINTED stays steady in pipe and minimize the risk to turn in the pipe.
GLOBAL™HIT is part of the GLOBAL™ series with drilled waterjet holes. As the rest of the series, they are lightweight and compact and suitable as your everyday nozzle to open up clogged pipes and remove lighter material in pipe. This means GLOBAL™HIT is supplied with thrusting rear jets and one front jet.
GLOBAL™HIT is made of harden steel or harden stainless steel. The low jet angle on the rear thrusting jets assures good travelling power upstream pipe as well good material power, bringing the nozzle back.
We also added to our repertoire of nozzles a Chisel nozzle, which is offered in ½”, 1”, and 1-1/4”. These nozzles are available in Tier 1 and Tier 2 designs. Any of these nozzles can be adapted to operate on three-fourths” hoses. They are manufactured in high quality Stainless steel and with our proven water flow design. There is the option of the drilled nozzles (Tier 1) or the replaceable insert (Tier 2) which when coupled with Ceramic Inserts becomes recycle friendly.